=== WP Database Reset === Contributors: WebFactory Tags: database, reset, restore, database reset, wp reset, reset wp, developer, development Requires at least: 4.2 Requires PHP: 5.2 Tested up to: 5.7 Stable tag: 3.20 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Skip reinstalling WP to reset it & reset the WordPress database back to its original state with 1-click. == Description == This plugin will soon be replaced by the free WP Reset plugin. It has a lot more reset tools to individually reset plugins, themes, transients and media. You can also create database snapshots to restore your WP site with one click if you make a mistake. The WordPress Database Reset plugin allows you to **reset the database** (all tables or the ones you choose) back to its default settings without having to go through the WordPress 5 minute installation or having to modify any files. **Features** * Extremely fast one click process to reset the WordPress database tables * Choose to reset the entire database or specific database tables * Secure and super simple to use * Safe - it's not possible to accidentally click reset * Prefer the command line? Reset the database in one command * Excellent for theme and plugin developers who need to clean the database of any unnecessary content **Command Line** Once activated, you can use the WordPress Database Reset plugin with [WordPress CLI](http://wp-cli.org/). List of WP-CLI commands: Reset all tables: `wp reset database` Specify a list of tables to reset: `wp reset database --tables='users, posts, comments, options'` The current theme and plugins will be reactivated by default. You can disable them like so: `wp reset database --no-reactivate` List table names: `wp reset list` **Support** Create a new post in the [WordPress Database Reset support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wordpress-database-reset). **Want to help out?** * Provide new language translations * Want to help others that might be having issues? [Answer questions on the support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wordpress-database-reset). * Rate the plugin - rate it WP Database Reset was originally developed in October 2011 by Chris Berthe. Please do not send him any support questions. If you need assistance the official forum is the best and fastest way to get it. == Screenshots == 1. The WP Database Reset plugin page == Changelog == = 3.20 = * 2021/04/26 * still trying to warn people that this plugin will soon be discontinued = 3.19 = * 2021/02/25 * continuing to phase out the plugin in favor of WP Reset = 3.18 = * 2021/01/30 * added flyout menu * started to phase out this plugin in favor of WP Reset = 3.17 = * 2020/10/06 * license fix * added promo for WP 301 Redirects = 3.16 = * 2020/09/01 * fixed an issue with select tables element = 3.15 = * 2020/01/14 * security fixes - thanks to Chloe from Wordfence * 80k installations; 761,300 downloads = 3.1 = * 2019/08/13 * WebFactory took over development * minor improvements in GUI and messaging * fixed a nasty bug related to admin user ID not being 1 * 70k installations; 665,500 downloads = 3.0.2 = * Fix for plugin page not showing up in tools menu (on some hosting providers) * Update how session tokens were being restored * Remove unnecessary nonce * Bump 'requires at least' to version 4.2 * Change 'theme_data' to 'theme_plugin_data' = 3.0.1 = * Fix plugin disabled after update, thanks to Ulrich Pogson * Update the pot file = 3.0.0 = * Completely re-written from scratch * Add extended WP_CLI command class * Clean up admin interface * Remove unnecessary help tabs * Submit button is now deactivated until user inputs security code * Add PayPal donation button * Remove outdated localization files * Update the text domain to match slug for translate.wordpress.org = 2.3.2 = * Add option to keep active theme, thanks to Ulrich Pogson * Adhere to WordPress PHP coding syntax standards * Delete the user session and recreate it * Separate the backup_tables method into two new methods * Reset only WP tables and not custom tables * French language updates, thanks to Fx Benard * Fix for undefined variable: backup_tables = 2.3.1 = * Fixed bug where reactivate plugins div was not displaying on 'options' table select = 2.3 = * Removed deprecated function $wpdb->escape(), replaced with esc_sql() * Add German translation, thanks to Ulrich Pogson * Updated screenshot-1.png * Renamed default localization file * Fixed broken if conditional during code clean up for version 2.2 = 2.2 = * Fixed scripts and styles to only load on plugin page * Formatted code to meet WordPress syntax standards = 2.1 = * Replaced 3.3 deprecated get_userdatabylogin() with get_user_by() * Updated deprecated add_contextual_help() with add_help_tab() * Small change in condition check for backup tables * Removed custom _rand_string() with core wp_generate_password() * Added Portuguese translation - thanks to Fernando Lopes = 2.0 = * Added functionality to be able to select which tables you want to reset, rather than having to reset the entire database. * Added bsmSelect for the multiple select. * Modified screenshot-1.png. * Fixed redirect bug * 'Reactivate current plugins after reset' only shows if the options table is selected from the dropdown. = 1.4 = * Made quite a few changes to the translation files * Renamed French translation file for plugin format, not theme format * Optimized (until potential version 2.0) = 1.3 = * Replaced reactivation option for all currently active plugins (not just this plugin) * Updated language files = 1.2 = * Added capability to manually select whether or not plugin should be reactivated upon reset * Modified class name to avoid potential conflicts with WordPress core * Modified wp_mail override * Removed deprecated user level for WordPress 3.0+ * Fixed small bug where if admin user did not have admin capabilities, it would tell the user they did = 1.0 = * First version * 2011-10-04