=== TerraClassifieds - Simple Classifieds Plugin === Contributors: PixelEmu Tags: classifieds, classified ads, classifieds plugin, advertising Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.7.2 Stable tag: 2.0.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == TerraClassifieds is a free classifieds WordPress plugin that allows creating a simple classifieds website with WordPress. There is also a dedicated free theme TerraClassic available to download on pixelemu.com or even a demo copy with all configured settings. TerraClassifieds TCF 2.1 Beta with monetizing options ready for testing - click here == Useful links: == TerraClassifieds documentation and tutorials Live demo created with free TerraClassic theme Download TerraClassic for free == TerraClassifieds Pages == * Add advert on the frontend * Edit ad * My submissions * Favorite ads * User registration * Edit user profile * Login & forgot password == TerraClassifieds Views == * Category view * Author view * Advert page == TerraClassifieds Settings == = Category view = * Show category on the archive page with name, description, image, subcategories * Number of items per page * Text limit (number of words) for item description * Add to favourites * Displaying search form with inputs combinations and setting its sizes for different devices = Adding advert = * Number of images limit (max. 8) * Title characters limit (0 for unlimited) * Description characters limit (0 for unlimited) * The number of columns for subcategories list * The number of days after which the ads will be expired * The number of days before sending a notification to classified's author * Required images for a new advert (yes/no) * Required location for a new advert (yes/no) = Image processing = You may set images dimentions for: * Image sizes for classifieds archive view * Image sizes for single post view = Email templates = * Registration - administrator notification * Registration - user notification * New advert - administrator notification * New advert - user notification * Contact form - user notification * Abuse form - user notification * Change status - user notification * Expiration - user notification = Advert view = Add to favourites = Style = * Layout: default or override from theme * CSS Style: default or override from theme = Security = Password for registration * Automatically generated password * Let the user choose a password during registration = GDPR = * GDPR method extended * GDPR method simple = Locations - locations manually filled in on wp-admin panel = General * Currency * Unit position == TerraClassifieds Built In Widgets == * An account menu * Latest ads * Classifieds search * Classifieds categories == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Plugins -> Add New and click the Upload Plugin button. 2. Click Choose File, then select the plugin ZIP file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to activate the plugin. == Changelog == = 2.0.3 = * New options for enabling items from Advert View for logged users only * Displaying empty categories and give the message: "This category is empty" * New settings for managing required fields for user profile = 2.0.2 = * Fixed PHP fatal error on users adverts page * Fixed an incorrect advert expiry time * Improvements related to jQuery 3 = 2.0.1 = * Fixed the location select field in submitting advert form = 2.0 = * Added polish translation * Added reCaptcha for 'Registration' page = 1.9.1 = * Fixed always shown banner with 'PE Terraclassic' theme in the dashboard on Wordpress 5.5 = 1.9 = * Added option to sort categories in the 'TerraClassifieds Categories' widget by name and ID * Added option to sort categories in the 'TerraClassifieds Categories' widget ascending and descending * Added option to filter adverts by selling type in the search form * Added option to translate string "Enter at least XXX characters" in the 'Registration' view * Fixed translation issue for strings in the 'TerraClassifieds Search' widget * Fixed padding issue for inputs and selects in the search form for some themes * Fixed not visible buttons 'Upload Files' and 'Media Library' in the Media Manager modal (Add advert view) * Fixed error "Invalid Post Type" in the dashboard while searching posts * Fixed PHP warning after user registration when field "E-mail notifications for administrators" is empty * Fixed unnecessary warnings in the SEO tab about missing pages when 'Permalink structure' in Wordpress is set to 'Plain' * Fixed not showing warnings when pages in the SEO tab are not selected * Fixed error 'Wrong username, email or password' in the URL: www.yourdomain.com/wp-login.php * Fixed problem with too high permissions for the role 'TerraClassifieds user' that allowed editing posts from the frontend (deactivation and reactivation of the plugin required) * Fixed mixed post types and wrong pagination on URL www.yourdomain.com/classified * Fixed not visible error about too big image size and image dimensions on mobiles = 1.8 = * Added button 'Cancel' for add/edit form * Added option to save advert with 'Draft' status * Added option to filter adverts by price * Added redirect to an advert after frontend editing * Added option to show adverts with status 'Pending' and 'Rejected' in a 'Your adverts' view * Added choice to disable selling type for each advert using option 'Nothing' * Added option to disable selling types for the whole website * Added advert ID in the single advert view * Added option to disable ad's author in the archive / category view * Added option to disable images * Added option to disbale locations * Added option to disable phone number in the single advert view * Added option to disable contact form in the single advert view * Added additional location fields - address and post / ZIP code * Added 'Edit' button on advert view after editing it * Added better description for a field 'Reply-To E-mail Address' in the plugin settings * Added option to show HTML code for a category description in the archive view if there is a visual editor for this field enabled, ex. when Yoast SEO plugin is active * Added option to choose pages for Terraclassifieds views like 'Add advert', 'Edit advert' etc. * Added option to change slugs for views like 'Add advert', 'Edit advert' etc. * Minor styling fixes in the plugin settings * Fixed PHP warning in the 'Add advert' view if a field 'E-mail notifications for administrators' in the plugin settings is empty * Fixed unnecessary email notification about ad expiring sent just after ad expiring * Published date is being changed now to the current date when user will renew the advert * Fixed no adverts in the archive view when widget 'Terraclassifieds Search' is not used * Fixed not selected location and selling type during advert editing = 1.7 = * Added option to hide 'Report abuse' in the advert view * Added option to hide 'Website URL' in the advert view * Added option to hide 'Ad's author' in the advert view * Added option to show default image for adverts submitted with no image * Added option to hide username in the author's page * Added option to set a minimum number of characters for a description * Added information about the minimum number of characters in the 'Add advert' view * Added option to choose selling types * Added option to set thousand separator for a price * Added option to set decimal separator for a price * Added option to set decimal points for a price * Added option to set ordering for date elements (number, period, ago) * Added hits (ads views counter) * Added currency near a price selling option in the 'Add advert' view. The currency value is taken from the general price settings. * Added option to append additional email addresses for administrator notifications ( abuse report, new advert, new user registration ) * Added option to choose behavior for expired adverts * Fixed currency position in the 'My submissions' view * Value less than 0.01 for the 'Price' field is forbidden in the 'Add advert' view * Image in the widget 'Terraclassifieds Latest Ads' is now centered vertically and horizontally * Favourite icon is now in the top right corner of the image container (archive view), even if the image is not 100% height * Fixed not working limit of words in the archive view when the content contains newlines * Fixed error with default WP widget 'Search' - unnecessary fields related to 'Terraclassifieds Search' widget * Removed unnecessary hidden field with email address for an abuse contact form in the 'Single Advert' view * Email address in the hidden field for a contact form in the 'Single Advert' view is now encoded using Base64 format * Fixed the wrong number of items after removing advert in the 'My submissions' view = 1.6 = * Fixed logging to WP dashboard if it's link is located in the frontend menu * Added option to select many types for each classified * Fixed JS conflict with Revolution Slider * Fixed not working layout override for child themes * Added option to choose advert status after submitting it * Shortcode [advert_title_link] for Email templates works now only if 'Ad status' is set to 'publish' to not generate wrong URLs * Fixed error 'Call to undefined function is_plugin_active()' * Fixed PHP notices related to the message about the recommended theme - PE Terraclassic * Fixed PHP notices when no location is selected * Fixed not sending email notifications when 'Reply-to e-mail address' in section 'Email templates' field is empty - admin email is used instead * Fixed missing action 'Move to trash' and button 'Trash' in the Wordpress dashboard - issue related to the unnecessary user capabilities * Fixed problem with not expired ads (wrong WP-CRON activation/deactivation method) * Fixed problem with missing notifications about expired ads (wrong WP-CRON activation/deactivation method) * Fixed styling issues in author view when user details are missing * Fixed PHP error related to breadcrumbs in advert view when the ad was created in the backend without assigning a category * CMB2 updated to version 2.6.0 * Fixed display issues for category and location in the 'Add advert' view when CMB2 is active as a separate plugin * Fixed PHP errors related to GDPR checkboxes when 'single.php' is overridden in the theme * Fixed missing default avatar image when 'single.php' is overriden in the theme * Added possibility to translate adverts statuses for email notifications * Option 'Items per page' in a 'Category view' tab works now also in a search view * Changed text for not logged in users in 'Your adverts' view * Added option to disable location hierarchical list. Disabling hierarchical location list can be useful (quicker) when you have a lot of nested locations. * Changed a simple input box for a location to an input box with the AJAX search feature * Added meta description for a single ad (content from the classified description) and classified category (content from category description) * Added field 'Meta description text limit' in Settings->SEO for changing meta description length * Removed unnecessary tab 'Status' in Settings * Tested up to WP 5.3 = 1.5 = * [fixed] locations not visible on category view once enable on TerraClassifieds settings = 1.4 = * [new feature] Added "Ads types" that allows marking an advert with the specific badge as well as using "types" as a filter in a search form * [fixed] for adverts created in the backend, a title and description were missing once editing an advert on the frontend * [fixed] translation for 'Location' field label was missing * [removed] Removed styles responsible for buttons and search form design = 1.3 = * Removed custom update notification * Fixed calling files locations without hardcoding * Stopped calling core loading files directly * Fixed sanitizing and escaping data * Fixed modal window appearing for an abuse form terms * Fixed some notices = 1.2 = * Fixed "Reply-to" from the email sent from contact form * Added email field "reply-to" for other user notifications in the 'Email templates' section * Fixed image container size in the archive view * Added new option "None" in Category view for "Show category on the archive page" that allows not showing items (previously at least one item had to be selected) * Added dashboard notification after successfull TerraClassifieds plugin installation = 1.1 = * Added location feature for adverts * New functionality added 'Add to favourites' * Merged 'Categories' and 'Category View' in Terraclassifieds Settings * Added 'negotiable' text under price in the add advert view * Added the setting option for Adding advert view 'The number of columns for subcategories list' * Changed a way of opening subcategories in add avert view (on click) * Added text 'see all ads by' next to a user name in single ad view * Added option to make images upload and lo9cation fields required in the add advert view * Font Awesome updated to 5.6.3 = 1.0 = * Added missing translable strings for terraclassifieds.pot file * Added 'Status' tab in TerraClassifieds settings with plugins's version * Added 'Documentation' tab in TerraClassifieds settings with useful links = beta 1.0 = * Added alert with confirmation before removing advert in My submissions view * Fixed searching in 'Terraclassifieds Seach' widget if no category selected * Search word and category are visible as selected on the search results page * Fixed submenu for 'Terraclassifieds Menu' widget in a single ad view * Fixed wrong URL errors for links in Terraclassifieds pages * Added options for change text limit and posts per page for a category view * FontAwesome updated to version 5.3.1 * Error messages after login error instead of redirecting to wp-login.php