# Copyright (C) 2016 WebDevStudios # This file is distributed under the same license as the CMB2 package. # Translators: # Diego Medeiros , 2015 # Lucas , 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: CMB2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/cmb2\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-06-27 17:01:22+00:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-25 19:10+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Justin Sternberg \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (http://www.transifex.com/wp-translations/cmb2/language/pt_BR/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: pt_BR\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Generator: grunt-wp-i18n 0.4.9\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-Country: United States\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_n:1,2;_nx:1,2,4c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;esc_attr__;esc_html__;esc_attr_e;esc_html_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c;\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n" #: example-functions.php:117 tests/test-cmb-field.php:255 msgid "Test Metabox" msgstr "Metabox de teste " #: example-functions.php:130 example-functions.php:436 msgid "Test Text" msgstr "Texto teste" #: example-functions.php:131 example-functions.php:144 #: example-functions.php:157 example-functions.php:165 #: example-functions.php:173 example-functions.php:182 #: example-functions.php:190 example-functions.php:205 #: example-functions.php:213 example-functions.php:221 #: example-functions.php:238 example-functions.php:247 #: example-functions.php:260 example-functions.php:267 #: example-functions.php:274 example-functions.php:288 #: example-functions.php:301 example-functions.php:314 #: example-functions.php:326 example-functions.php:335 #: example-functions.php:343 example-functions.php:352 #: example-functions.php:359 example-functions.php:373 #: example-functions.php:437 example-functions.php:528 #: example-functions.php:536 example-functions.php:543 #: example-functions.php:550 example-functions.php:557 #: example-functions.php:564 example-functions.php:571 #: example-functions.php:598 example-functions.php:606 #: example-functions.php:613 example-functions.php:650 #: tests/test-cmb-field.php:267 msgid "field description (optional)" msgstr "Campo de descrição (opcional)" #: example-functions.php:143 msgid "Test Text Small" msgstr "Teste Texto Pequeno" #: example-functions.php:156 msgid "Test Text Medium" msgstr "Teste Texto Médio" #: example-functions.php:164 msgid "Custom Rendered Field" msgstr "" #: example-functions.php:172 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL do Website" #: example-functions.php:181 msgid "Test Text Email" msgstr "Teste Texto Email" #: example-functions.php:189 msgid "Test Time" msgstr "Teste Horário " #: example-functions.php:197 example-functions.php:198 msgid "Time zone" msgstr "Fuso horário" #: example-functions.php:204 msgid "Test Date Picker" msgstr "Teste Selecionador Data" #: example-functions.php:212 msgid "Test Date Picker (UNIX timestamp)" msgstr "Teste Selecionador Data (UNIX timestamp)" #: example-functions.php:220 msgid "Test Date/Time Picker Combo (UNIX timestamp)" msgstr "Teste Date/ Selecionador Hora Combo (UNIX timestamp)" #: example-functions.php:237 msgid "Test Money" msgstr "Teste Preço" #: example-functions.php:246 msgid "Test Color Picker" msgstr "Teste Selecionador Cor " #: example-functions.php:259 msgid "Test Text Area" msgstr "Teste Área de Texto" #: example-functions.php:266 msgid "Test Text Area Small" msgstr "Teste Área de Texto Pequena" #: example-functions.php:273 msgid "Test Text Area for Code" msgstr "Teste Área de Texto para código" #: example-functions.php:280 msgid "Test Title Weeeee" msgstr "Teste Título Weeeee" #: example-functions.php:281 msgid "This is a title description" msgstr "Essa é a descrição do título" #: example-functions.php:287 msgid "Test Select" msgstr "Teste Selecionador" #: example-functions.php:293 example-functions.php:306 #: example-functions.php:318 msgid "Option One" msgstr "primeira opção" #: example-functions.php:294 example-functions.php:307 #: example-functions.php:319 msgid "Option Two" msgstr "segunda opção" #: example-functions.php:295 example-functions.php:308 #: example-functions.php:320 msgid "Option Three" msgstr "terceira opção" #: example-functions.php:300 msgid "Test Radio inline" msgstr "Texte Radio em linha" #: example-functions.php:313 msgid "Test Radio" msgstr "Teste Radio" #: example-functions.php:325 msgid "Test Taxonomy Radio" msgstr "Teste Radio Taxonomia" #: example-functions.php:334 msgid "Test Taxonomy Select" msgstr "Teste Selecionador Taxonomia" #: example-functions.php:342 msgid "Test Taxonomy Multi Checkbox" msgstr "Teste Multi Checkbox Taxonomia" #: example-functions.php:351 msgid "Test Checkbox" msgstr "Teste Checkbox" #: example-functions.php:358 tests/test-cmb-field.php:266 msgid "Test Multi Checkbox" msgstr "Teste Multi Checkbox" #: example-functions.php:364 tests/test-cmb-field.php:272 msgid "Check One" msgstr "Caixa de Seleção 1" #: example-functions.php:365 tests/test-cmb-field.php:273 msgid "Check Two" msgstr "Caixa de Seleção 2" #: example-functions.php:366 tests/test-cmb-field.php:274 msgid "Check Three" msgstr "Caixa de Seleção 3" #: example-functions.php:372 msgid "Test wysiwyg" msgstr "Teste wysiwyg" #: example-functions.php:380 msgid "Test Image" msgstr "Teste Imagem" #: example-functions.php:381 msgid "Upload an image or enter a URL." msgstr "Faça o upload de uma imagem ou digite uma URL." #: example-functions.php:387 msgid "Multiple Files" msgstr "Múltiplos Arquivos " #: example-functions.php:388 msgid "Upload or add multiple images/attachments." msgstr "Carregar ou adicionar várias imagens / anexos." #: example-functions.php:395 msgid "oEmbed" msgstr "oEmbed" #: example-functions.php:396 msgid "" "Enter a youtube, twitter, or instagram URL. Supports services listed at http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds." msgstr "Digite um youtube, twitter, ou URL instagram. Suporta serviços listados no http://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds " #: example-functions.php:427 msgid "About Page Metabox" msgstr "Página Sobre Metabox" #: example-functions.php:456 msgid "Repeating Field Group" msgstr "Repetir Grupo de Campos" #: example-functions.php:464 msgid "Generates reusable form entries" msgstr "Gera entradas de formulários reutilizáveis" #: example-functions.php:466 msgid "Entry {#}" msgstr "Entrada {#}" #: example-functions.php:467 msgid "Add Another Entry" msgstr "Adicionar outra entrada" #: example-functions.php:468 msgid "Remove Entry" msgstr "Remover Entrada" #: example-functions.php:481 msgid "Entry Title" msgstr "Título Entrada" #: example-functions.php:488 msgid "Description" msgstr "Descrição" #: example-functions.php:489 msgid "Write a short description for this entry" msgstr "Faça uma breve descrição para esta entrada" #: example-functions.php:495 msgid "Entry Image" msgstr "Imagem entrada " #: example-functions.php:501 msgid "Image Caption" msgstr "Descrição da imagem" #: example-functions.php:520 msgid "User Profile Metabox" msgstr "Perfil de usuário Metabox" #: example-functions.php:527 example-functions.php:597 msgid "Extra Info" msgstr "Informação extra" #: example-functions.php:535 msgid "Avatar" msgstr "Avatar" #: example-functions.php:542 msgid "Facebook URL" msgstr "URL do Facebook" #: example-functions.php:549 msgid "Twitter URL" msgstr "URL do Twitter " #: example-functions.php:556 msgid "Google+ URL" msgstr "URL do Google+" #: example-functions.php:563 msgid "Linkedin URL" msgstr "URL do Linkedin" #: example-functions.php:570 msgid "User Field" msgstr "Campo de Usuário" #: example-functions.php:590 msgid "Category Metabox" msgstr "" #: example-functions.php:605 msgid "Term Image" msgstr "" #: example-functions.php:612 msgid "Arbitrary Term Field" msgstr "" #: example-functions.php:634 msgid "Theme Options Metabox" msgstr "Metabox Opções do Tema" #: example-functions.php:649 msgid "Site Background Color" msgstr "Cor de fundo do site" #: includes/CMB2.php:129 msgid "Metabox configuration is required to have an ID parameter" msgstr "Configuração Metabox é necessário para ter um parâmetro de ID" #: includes/CMB2.php:418 msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "Clique para expandir ou recolher." #: includes/CMB2_Ajax.php:71 msgid "Please Try Again" msgstr "Tente novamente." #: includes/CMB2_Ajax.php:173 tests/cmb-tests-base.php:59 msgid "Remove Embed" msgstr "Remover Embed" #: includes/CMB2_Ajax.php:177 tests/cmb-tests-base.php:64 msgid "No oEmbed Results Found for %s. View more info at" msgstr "Nenhum resultado oEmbed Encontrado para %s. Ver mais informações" #: includes/CMB2_Field.php:1186 msgid "Add Group" msgstr "Adicionar Grupo" #: includes/CMB2_Field.php:1187 msgid "Remove Group" msgstr "Remove Grupo" #: includes/CMB2_Field.php:1209 includes/CMB2_Field.php:1213 #: tests/test-cmb-field.php:229 msgid "None" msgstr "Nenhum" #: includes/CMB2_Field.php:1269 msgid "Sorry, this field does not have a cmb_id specified." msgstr "" #: includes/CMB2_Field_Display.php:408 includes/CMB2_JS.php:139 #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_File_Base.php:75 tests/test-cmb-types-base.php:143 #: tests/test-cmb-types.php:701 msgid "File:" msgstr "Arquivo:" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:86 includes/CMB2_JS.php:119 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Limpar" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:87 msgid "Default" msgstr "Padrão" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:88 msgid "Select Color" msgstr "Selecionar Cor" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:89 msgid "Current Color" msgstr "Cor atual" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:110 msgid "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday" msgstr "Domingo, Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira, Sexta-feira, Sábado" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:111 msgid "Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa" msgstr "Dm, Sg, Tr, Qua, Qui, Sx, Sb" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:112 msgid "Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat" msgstr "Dom, Seg, Ter, Qua, Qui, Sex, Sab" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:113 msgid "" "January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, " "October, November, December" msgstr "Janeiro, Fevereiro, Março, Abril, Maio, Junho, Julho, Agosto, Setembro, Outubro, Novembro, Dezembro" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:114 msgid "Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec" msgstr "Jan, Fev, Mar, Abr, Maio, Jun, Jul, Ago, Set, Out, Nov, Dez" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:115 msgid "Next" msgstr "Seguinte" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:116 msgid "Prev" msgstr "Anterior" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:117 msgid "Today" msgstr "Hoje" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:118 includes/CMB2_JS.php:128 msgid "Done" msgstr "Concluído" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:122 msgid "Choose Time" msgstr "Escolha tempo" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:123 msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:124 msgid "Hour" msgstr "Hora" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:125 msgid "Minute" msgstr "Minuto" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:126 msgid "Second" msgstr "Segundo" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:127 msgid "Now" msgstr "Agora" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:135 msgid "Use this file" msgstr "Utilizar esse arquivo" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:136 msgid "Use these files" msgstr "Usar estes arquivos" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:137 includes/types/CMB2_Type_File_Base.php:61 msgid "Remove Image" msgstr "Remover a imagem" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:138 includes/CMB2_Types.php:257 #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_File_Base.php:80 tests/test-cmb-types-base.php:143 #: tests/test-cmb-types.php:47 tests/test-cmb-types.php:55 #: tests/test-cmb-types.php:701 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remover" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:140 includes/types/CMB2_Type_File_Base.php:78 #: tests/test-cmb-types-base.php:143 tests/test-cmb-types.php:701 msgid "Download" msgstr "Download" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:141 msgid "Select / Deselect All" msgstr "Selecione / Remove tudo" #: includes/CMB2_Types.php:194 msgid "Add Row" msgstr "Adicionar Linha" #: includes/CMB2_hookup.php:145 msgid "" "Term Metadata is a WordPress > 4.4 feature. Please upgrade your WordPress " "install." msgstr "" #: includes/CMB2_hookup.php:149 msgid "Term metaboxes configuration requires a 'taxonomies' parameter" msgstr "" #: includes/helper-functions.php:93 msgid "No oEmbed Results Found for %s. View more info at %s" msgstr "" #: includes/helper-functions.php:279 msgid "Save" msgstr "Salvar" #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_File.php:36 tests/test-cmb-types.php:683 #: tests/test-cmb-types.php:701 msgid "Add or Upload File" msgstr "Adicionar ou carregar arquivo" #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_File_List.php:36 tests/test-cmb-types.php:639 #: tests/test-cmb-types.php:663 msgid "Add or Upload Files" msgstr "Adicionar ou carregar arquivos" #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_Taxonomy_Multicheck.php:27 #: includes/types/CMB2_Type_Taxonomy_Radio.php:25 msgid "No terms" msgstr "nenhum termo" #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme msgid "CMB2" msgstr "CMB2" #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme msgid "https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2" msgstr "https://github.com/CMB2/CMB2" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "" "CMB2 will create metaboxes and forms with custom fields that will blow your " "mind." msgstr "CMB2 irá criar caixas de meta e os formulários com campos personalizados que vai explodir sua mente." #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "WebDevStudios" msgstr "WebDevStudios" #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "http://webdevstudios.com" msgstr "http://webdevstudios.com" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:109 msgctxt "Valid formatDate string for jquery-ui datepicker" msgid "mm/dd/yy" msgstr "dd/mm/yy" #: includes/CMB2_JS.php:129 msgctxt "" "Valid formatting string, as per " "http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/" msgid "hh:mm TT" msgstr "hh:mm TT"